Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spanish Trader for Peninsular War

British Navy Boarding Party

Foundry sailors + Black Scorpion Marine captain

Latest WIPs

A Log House for French and Indian War.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

15mm Village

I managed to finish this little town for dba/dbm today. It's made of four 40x80mm pieces, that can be used as a BUA or a camp.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Projects

I've been working quite lot lately with scenery: just pretty generic and basic stuff, like small hills and different kinds of buildings mainly from balsa. These are all for my Broadsword Adventures table and it's almost gaming ready. I've got a lot of well painted minis for characters and some are on the workbench waiting to be painted.

My This Very Ground groups just got bigger, but they need a lot more work before being ready. At the moment I have some 18 indians, 6 marines, 6 rangers, 6 militia and 16 British regulars + some 5-10 civilians. The scenery I've been making will be usable in TVG as well.

I got interested in pulp adventures again, now I've been working on an Egyptian theme: archeologists, arabs and desert scenery. This takes still some work, but as I'm going to use .45 Adventures rules, I don't need too much minis to cover the tales.

The game I'm playing the most and painting the least is DBM. I've got a Feudal English army under construction as well as some 100 Years War English and a DBA box of Ancient British. There's a lot of work with all these, but I'm actually not very keen on painting 15mm figures as it takes huge amounts of time to paint the hundreds of minis and still you've got to paint in a very simple way.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A thing or two

I'm going to get a copy Broadsword Adventures by Rattrap soon. I've got a pretty nice collection of well painted fantasy minis to use in the game to use as adventurers ( I'm going to post some pics later). I'm going to force mi lovely wife to play it soon, and I'll try to put some game reports here as well...

The power of my main computer just blew up and I'm having some trouble figuring out whether something else got burned as well.

My paint desk has been quite full lately, I've been painting a lot of DBA/DBM figures for my 100 Years War English army, also indians and rangers for This Very Ground, a game of skirmishes in the French and Indian War (in the 1750s). Also some Hasslefree and Reaper miniatures for the Broadsword Adventures have been on the table for a while. My terrain projects are over for now, I made some rock formations, small hills, two houses, a barn, stone walls, a stone guard tower, some ruins and wood bases and I think I'm going to manage the few games I'm going to have with those.